In times like these, it is mandatory that men take a firm stance against the devil’s wiles. Families and communities alike are experiencing what life is like when the male population goes missing.
Our men’s ministry seeks to educate men on the importance of being present, not only in their immediate households but also in society at large. Men from all walks of life are challenged to come to the table, discover true manhood as God intended, and become the leaders that are so desperately needed today.
Jesus held everyone to a higher standard of righteousness. Not because he was God in the flesh but because He was God who loved those who are flesh. With this call to higher standards of living, He called for men who followed Him to an even higher and stricter level of living upright lives before God and all of humanity. Although for many, it may appear that His standards were high, they were not unattainable. He taught us that faithful men were created in his likeness and must be restored. The Sons of Thunder (whose name originated with Jesus to brothers John and James) are called to study and execute the things Christ taught and expected of those who became His disciples. The endeavor for us is to be more like Him.